Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Stuffed Chicken - دجاج محشي

This is an updated video for the stuffed chicken recipe. hope you enjoy it.

One of the meals that I enjoy cooking is stuffed chicken. It sounds like a complicated meal to prepare and cook but it is very easy.
All you need is whole chicken/s, short grain rice, ground beef, chopped onions, spices and a big pan for baking. I never measure things up at all, I just do it by eying the ingredients...does this mean that i am a good cook?? maybe, but I feel that I am average in cooking, I perfect some meals and others I do not bother cooking at all...I like easy and fast recipes that are satisfying and low in fat..I usually modify any recipe to lower fatty ingredients and healthier ingredients.
After I took out my two chickens out of the oven , I have to admit that they look great sitting in that baking pan! I also made white rice and tomato stew with garlic and cilantro, of course green salad is a must on the dinner table.
Method to prepare the stuffed chicken meal: Wash the chickens, pat dry , rub the chicken, inside out with olive oil and lemon juice mix to make it smell nice and fresh. Also rub the chicken with the same mix of spices that will be added to the ground beef and rice mix. You can use any stuffing variations you like, such as plain vegetables with or without rice, wheat, spiced up rice, no meat or whatever you feel like. there is no set ingredients, you can use creativity and come up with something new and delicious. Saute' the ground beef with small chopped onions, add spices, black pepper, all spice, cardamom and salt to taste. Wash the rice, soak for about 15 minutes in warm water, drain from the water and add to the meat when it is done cooking. You may add a little bit of cooking oil at this point so the rice does not become sticky . cook the rice half way, remember, it is going to continue cooking once its inside the chicken and baking. Stuff the chicken with the cooled rice and beef mix, wrap the chickens with aluminum foil really well, put in the baking pan and cook in the oven for about 2.5-3 hours on 450 degrees F. depending on the number of your chickens and their size . Unwrap your master piece...ENJOY!!

 دجاجتين كاملتين
رز مصري ، كوب
 نصف اوقية لحم مفروم
 حبتين بصل مفروم ناعم
 والتوابل و هي عباره عن ملح، فلفل اسود ، الهال، (حب هان) و بهار
طريقة لتحضير وجبة الدجاج المحشو : يغسل الدجاج بالماء و تجفف بورق المطبخ
 يتم فرك الدجاج ، الداخل الى الخارج مع زيت الزيتون والليمون 
يتم فرك الدجاج  بالخليط نفسه من التوابل التي ستضاف إلى اللحم المفروم و مزيج الأرز و هي التوابل في الوصفه . 
يتم تقليب اللحم المفروم مع البصل المفروم ، و يتم اضافة التوابل 
 يغسل الأرز و ينقع في ماء دافئ ل حوالي ١٥ دقيقة ، ثم يصفى من الماء ، ويضاف إلى اللحم  . يمكنك إضافة 
القليل من زيت الطهي في هذه المرحلة . يتم طهي الأرز نصف استواء ،لإنه سوف يستكمل الطهي في داخل الدجاج  
يحشى الدجاج بالارز ، اللحم المفروم 
يتم لف الدجاج بورق الألمنيوم جيدا و يوضع في الفرن  لمدة حوالي ١.٥-٢  ساعه على حرارة ٤٥٠ درجة فهرنهايت

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