Saturday, December 29, 2007

Saj Bread Recipe - خبز الصاج- And Pita Bread Making

ثلاثة أكواب و نص دقيق. ملعقتين صغار خميره فوريه. واحد و ربع كوب ماء فاتر. ملعقه صغيره سكر. نصف ملعقه صغيره ملح. زيت لدهن العجينة. 
تخلط المواد مع بعض. مع أخذ الحذر بإضافة الماء بالتدريج. تترك العجينة لتخمر ساعه من الزمن. تقطع و ترق و باستعمال المخده الخاصه بخبز الصاج يتم تشكيلها و خبزنا على الصاج الساخن. صحتين. 

Saj bread is a flat round bread baked on an upside down iron wok hot surface. this is an easy recipe for Saj bread:
• 2 teaspoons active dry yeast
• 1 tablespoon sugar
• 1 1/4 cups warm water (about 110 to 115°)
• 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• Oil for coating the dough
Put yeast in 1/4 cup of the water; add sugar and let stand for 10 minutes. Sift 2 1/2 cups of flour and the salt into a warm bowl. Form a well in the center; pour in yeast mixture and remaining warm water.
Begin to mix with hand, wooden spoon, or dough hook, adding remaining flour as needed. Turn out onto a floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes, until smooth and no longer sticky.
Oil a large bowl; place dough in bowl and turn to coat with oil. Cover with a damp cloth and put in a warm place free of drafts for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Dough should be doubled in bulk. Knead for a few minutes then divide into balls about 2 1/2 inches in diameter. Roll balls into circles on a lightly floured surface with floured rolling pin, or flatten into circles with hand. Flip the flattened dough on a curved hot surface (similar to an upside down wok). Bake for less than a minute on one side and then flip to cook the other side. Sometimes you only cook on one side, depends on your preference. Pile your bread sheets and cover to keep soft and warm or serve immediately. You may use these sheets of bread as a wrap for anything you like such as cheese, meats or veggies.
For the video with the music I originally used, check this out:

Thursday, December 27, 2007

French Toast - فرنش توست

This is a very easy recipe for this delicious breakfast food that is liked by everyone.

-4 pieces of French toast
-2 eggs
-2 tablespoons milk
-1 tablespoon cooking oil

- Cut the crust if you like
- Mix the eggs in a bowl
- Add milk to the eggs and mix well
- Dip the toast in the egg mix . make sure it is well coated on both sides
- Heat up the oil
- Fry your toast on both sides until golden in color
- Add maple syrup to it and enjoy!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Okra Stew- يخنة الباميه مع الارز

One pound frozen or fresh Okra
Cooking oil
One diced onion
Minced garlic
2-3 diced fresh or canned tomatoes
Tomato paste or sauce
Salt and black pepper to taste

-Sauté onions in oil
-Add garlic and sauté some more until garlic turns golden color
-Add the okra. Sauté until it is soft, this takes few minutes if the okra is frozen and may take longer if it is fresh. Some people deep fry the fresh okra before cooking it.
- Add fresh tomatoes and stir around for few minutes
- Add tomato sauce/paste and add water if needed
- Add salt and black pepper
- boil at first then lower the heat and let simmer until the tomatoes and the okra are cooked. This might take around 35-45 minutes
Serve hot with rice on the side

Okra Stew on Foodista

Sunday, December 23, 2007

مسقعة الباذنجان - Musakaa

Mussaka is a popular dish in the Mediterranean countries. I have listed a basic vegetarian version of this recipe here although there are different variations such as adding cooked ground beef or lamb, or mix cooked chickpeas, add green peppers, garlic or hot spicy peppers, depending on what you like in your dish. Ingredients:- 2 big eggplants sliced into ½ inch thickness- I do not peel mine, I leave them with the skin on.-Canola oil for frying -1 to 2 medium diced onion- 4 medium size fresh or canned diced tomatoes- Small can of tomato paste- Salt and black pepper to taste-1/2 to 1 cup waterDirections:-Slice eggplants into 1 cm (1/2 inch) thick slices

-Sprinkle the eggplants slices with salt to draw the moisture out-Deep fry in canola oil until golden brown in color.-Remove from pan, drain from oil over paper towels.
-Sauté the diced onions, I microwave it sometimes until golden brown color- I use a Pyrex baking dish
-Add tomato paste, water, salt and pepper and mix with the onions. This will be your sauce
-Layer the fried eggplants in the baking dish over the sauce
-Top with diced or sliced tomato- Cover the baking pan with plastic wrap, I double the cover
-Microwave the pan for at least 20 minutes
-Broil the top for a desired baked colorif you want to use the conventional way of cooking, you may do this:
In a separate pot, sauté diced onions. Add tomato paste, water, salt and pepper. This will be your sauce that you will add to the layered eggplant in the baking pan. Boil the sauce for about five minutes. It will continue cooking when you bake it with the eggplants.Pour the sauce mixture over the layered eggplants in the baking dish and spread evenly. Top with diced or sliced tomato.Cover with aluminum foil and bake for about 45 minutes in a 350-400 Fahrenheit degree oven (depending on your oven temperature) until the edges are turning brown and the tomato sauce looks and smells cooked!
Remove the foil the last 5-10 minutes to brown the top.Serve hot or at room temperature with white rice on the side.
Musakkaa on Foodista

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Home Made Pizza Dough- عجينة بيتزا



- 2 ½ cups all purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 package active dry yeast
- 2 teaspoon sugar
- 1 ¼ cup Water (more or less)
- 1 tablespoon olive oil to coat the dough
Dough preparation:
-Mix flour with salt
-Mix the yeast with lukewarm water and leave on the side until it bubbles up
-Add the yeast to the flour mix. Mix gently with hand or fork for few minutes. Add water little at a time if needed. You want your dough to be soft.
-Set the dough aside in a warm place and cover with a towel. Let it rise for couple of hours.

To prepare your pizza:
-Spread dough evenly in a greased baking pan.
-Spread tomato paste on top of the dough. I do not cook it, I use it straight -out of the carton.
-Sprinkle some dry oregano and basil on top of it, you may also sprinkle garlic powder
-Add any kind of toppings you like such as vegetables or meats and top with mozzarella cheese
-Leave the pizza pan out on the counter for at least half an hour before baking, this allows the dough to rise some more and you will end up with fluffy dough.
-Bake in a 450 degree Fahrenheit oven for 12-15 minutes or until the edges are golden brown and the top looks done.
Serve hot and enjoy!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Poor Man’s Dish, Mujaddara! المجدره -المدردره

Mujaddara has always been considered poor man’s dish throughout the ages in the Middle East but currently it is considered a very healthy dish that provides a balanced healthy meal , with healthy fat, protein and carbohydrates. This dish is a very flavorful dish.
This dish goes by many names, In Palestine, Jordan and Syria it is called Mujaddara, and in Lebanon it is called Mudardara, while in Egypt it is called Kushari, a very similar recipe with addition of pasta and hot sauce to the dish. No matter what you name it, it is a very tasty recipe served hot or cold with small cut salad consist of tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, dressed with lemon juice and olive oil.

Mujaddara ingredients:
- 2 cups already cooked Rice
-1 cup brown Lentils
-Two to four onions, diced or cut into slices
- Oil for frying the onions
- 2 tablespoons Cumin
-Salt, Black pepper to taste

- Wash and boil brown lentils until they are tender. Drain.
- Caramelize the onions by simmering them with cooking oil on medium heat. They will take a while to turn into that desired golden brown color. They burn easy if you turn your head away from it, so keep an eye on them!! You may increase the amount of the caramelized onions to garnish your dish with.
-Add the lentils to the onion and oil mix stir around for couple of minutes then add the rice.
-My personal recipe consists of using already cooked rice, or leftover rice. From my own experience, I found out that the rice and lentils both will keep their shape avoiding having lumps in the dish or having it to be too wet.
Top with the previously reserved caramelized onions.
Plate the Mujaddara and top with caramelized onions if desired. Serve hot next to simple peasant salad which includes small cut tomatoes and cucumber dressed with olive oil and lemon juice. You may serve it next to plain yogurt too.

An update for the recipe, how to turn it into a Kushari dish, cook the rice and lentils as the above directions. Set aside. For the sauce and the pasta you need to do the following:
-1 cup uncooked pasta (small shells or elbow macaroni is best)
-2 large onions

-diced 4 clov
es garlic, minced
-2 tablespoons
-1 can chopped tomatoes or fresh tomatoes
-1/4 teaspoon crushed
red chili pepper flakes (or more to taste)

- 1 Tablespoon white vinegar
salt and black pepper

- A can of chickpeas 
- A cup of cooked lentils to be served on the side
-Cook the macaroni in a separate pot
-Rinse and strain when done.
-Meanwhile, fry the onions and garlic in the oil until golden.
-Add the tomatoes, chili flakes, salt and pepper to taste and let it bubble for 10-20 minutes or until thickened and sauce like. Add the white vinegar. 
-You can now smooth out the sauce in a food processor until smooth or just leave as is.
-Plate your Mujaddara and add the macaroni on top .
-Top with tomato sauce.
-Sprinkle with more hot chili powder or salt and pepper, if desired. You may garnish with chickpeas and fried onions on top.

طبق المجدرة من المأكولات الشهية و الشعبيه, ويفضلها الكثير عن الأطباق الدسمة والمتعبه. وربما كانت في الماضي من ألأكلات المفضله للفقراء لقلة تكلفتها و لكنها اصبحت أكله مفضله للأغنياء ايضا لقيمتها الغذائيه الكبيره و الغنيه بالبروبينات و المعادن. وصفة المجدره في فلسطين, ألأردن , سوريه تسمى بأسم المجدره بينما في بعض المناطق بلبنان تمسى بألمدردره و في مصر هي ألأكله ألأكثر شعبيه بعد الفول المدمس و تسمى الكشري. هناك طرق عديده لتحضير هذه الوصفه و يعتمد ذلك على المنطقه, المواد المستعمله فيها و البهارات المضافه,بألأضافه الى ألرز, في بلاد الشام تُحضّر بالعدس و البرغل مما يزيد من قيمتها الغذائيه العاليه لكن لايهم بأي طريقه ستحضّر هذه الوصفه, النتائج النهائيه تكون بأنها طبق لذيذ و مفيد خصوصا اذا قدمت مع السلطه الخضراء الناعمه أو اللبن الرايب.
وفيما يلي وصف كامل للمقادير وطريقة التحضير:

كأس كبيرة من العدس الأسود غير المطحون
كأسين اثنين كبيرتين من الأرز المصري أو ألبرغل, حسب الرغبه
مقدار فنجان قهوة من زيت الذرة اوزيت دوّار الشمس
بصلة واحدة مفرومه
ملح الطعام حسب الذوق
ملعقه كبيره كمون
يسلق العدس حتى ينضج
بالوصفه العاديه لتفلفل الأرز يطبخ الأرز
يخلط العدس والأرز معاً مع التحريك البسيط
تقلي البصلة بزيت الذرة ويضاف الزيت فوق الأرز والعدس وهما ساخنان
تخلط جميع المقادير بخفة للمحافظة على شكل الأرز والعدس
تسكب المجدرة بالصحن مع وضع البصلة المقليه فوقها
يتم تقديم هذا الطبق ساخناً مع سلطة الطماطم والخضار
وكذلك اللبن الزبادي

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Chocolate Covered Almonds

1 pound milk chocolate
1 pound raw almonds with the skins
Fill a small pot a 1/3 way with hot tap water and bring to a boil over high heat. Break the chocolate into chunks and melt over low heat in the top of a double boiler, stirring frequently, slowly and constantly. When the chocolate melts, add the almonds and stir to cover . Line a tray with plastic wrap; you may use Parchment paper for better results. Spoon your chocolate and almond pieces on it. Freeze for 15 minutes then store them in the fridge for another 30. Peel off the paper and place in a platter or a box. Do not put on top of each other.

Monday, December 3, 2007

ملفوف محشي بالرز و اللحمه المفرومه- Stuffed Cabbage , Malfouf

This Malfouf recipe is dedicated to beverly555 .

-1 Medium Cabbage
-1 ½ cups ground beef or ground lamb
-1 medium diced onion
- 1 cup short grain rice
- Garlic, you need few whole garlic cloves peeled and some minced. But using garlic is always ptional, you may use whole head of garlic with the peel in between the layers
- 2 to 3 teaspoons of the following spices: Cumin, Caraway, Coriander, Cinnamon, Salt and Black Pepper. You may use all the above spices or omit whichever you do not like.
-Cooking oil
-1 cup Lemon juice
-1 cup water or as needed


-Wash and drain rice
-Mix up the ground meat, diced onions and rice; add cooking oil and the spices (Cumin, Caraway, Coriander, Salt and Black Pepper) set aside.
-Prepare your cabbage leaves by separating the leaves from the cabbage head. Cut away stems, save them and use them at the bottom of the pot.
-Boil the leaves a few at a time in boiling salted water until they are soft enough to roll.
-Prepare stuffing of meat, rice, salt, pepper and the above spices
-Cut the leaves to form a cigar size roll. Place stuffing on each leaf, fold sides toward center and roll up from bottom into a cigar shape (similar with stuffed vine leaves). Do not over stuff; make sure that you have space for the rice to expand inside the cabbage rolls.
-Press together firmly. Place layer of the saved stems
-Place the whole garlic heads in between the rolled Malfouf.
-Sprinkle with salt, caraway and cumin in between layers. Add water, boil then simmer for an hour to an hour and a half. Half way through the cooking time add crushed garlic on top. Let simmer. Simmer gently until rice is tender in barely enough water to cover. Invert your pot in a platter
-You may serve this dish hot or at room temperature, depends on your personal taste.

Malfouf- Stuffed Cabbage

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Macaroni And Meat With Tomato Sauce- معكرونه باللحمه المفرومه و صوص البندوره

معكرونه اي نوع من أختيارك
ربع كيلو من اللحم المفروم ناعم
بصله كبيره مقطّعه الى قطع صغيره
زيت طبخ
علبه متوسطة الحجم من معجون البندوره
1 ملعقه صغيره من الزعتر البرّي الجاف و الريحان
العذبة الشعير ، اختياري
ملح وفلفل أسود ، بهار حسب الذوق

- تغلي المعكرونةحسب التعليمات على العلبه. يطبخ اللحم مع قليل من الزيت و يضاف البصل المفروم. تضاف إليها التوابل.
- ضعي المعكرونه في صينية الطبخ
أخلطي اللحم مع معجون البندوره. أضيفي الماء الساخن ، أضيفي الاعشاب وأطبخيها لحوالى 20 دقيقه لتتسبك. في بعض الأحيان أستعمل فرن المايكرويف في طبخ الصلصه.
- أضيفي الصلصه و اللحم فوق المعكرونه و اخلطي جيدا.
- انثري الجبن فوق المعكرونه. يمكنك استعمال ي نوع جبنه سهلة الذوبان.
- أشوي وجه الصينيه حتى تصبح ذهبية اللون.
- قدّميها ساخنه.

½ a pound ground beef
1 large diced onion
Cooking oil
Tomato Paste
1 teaspoon each of oregano and basil
Fresh parsley, optional
Salt, black pepper, allspice to taste

-Boil your pasta. Cook the meat thoroughly with a little oil, add onions. Add spices to it. --Drain your pasta and put in your baking dish.
-Mix the cooked beef with tomato paste, hot water, add the herbs and cook for about 20 or until the sauce has cooked taste.
-Add the meat sauce mix to the pasta
-I usually microwave it for about ten minutes, to give it this cooked taste.
-Garnish with mozzarella cheese. broil the top until golden brown in color.
-Serve hot.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Broad Beans - فول اخضر بزيت الزيتون

Broad Beans cooked in olive oil:
-One Kilo ( About 2 pounds) Broad Beans OR Fava beans- You may use fresh if they are available in season, you need to shell them out first, or you may use frozen ones.
-Olive Oil
-Diced Large Onion
-Fresh Cilantro
-Minced Garlic
-Salt and Black pepper to taste
-Sauté onions in olive oil
-Add fresh or frozen broad beans and cook until done. Make sure they are firm and not mushy at the end of the cooking processes
-Season with salt and pepper
-Add fresh chopped cilantro and garlic towards the end of the cooking period-It takes around 30-40 minutes to cook this dish
-You may add ¼ cup of water to it at one point to soften it.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Kufta With Tomato Sauce And White Rice, كفته مع صلصه البندوره

وصفة بسيطة للغايه لطبق الكفته اللذيذ.


نصف كيلو لحم البقر او الضأن المفروم ناعم-

البقدونس المفروم يخلط مع البصل المفروم ناعم-

شرائح البصل

معجون الطماطم

الطريقه : - أخلطي اللحم المفروم مع البصل المفروم ، البقدونس المفروم والبهارات- البهار ، والملح والفلفل الاسود حسب الذوق, اضيفي ملعقتين من صلصة البندوره المعلّبه

ضعي الكغته في البراد مغطا ة حتى تختلط النكهات

بأمكانك اضافة الثوم , حسب الرغبه .

اشكّلي الكفته الى كرات شبيهه بحجم البيض

أقلي الكفته قليا خفيفا حتى يتماسك شكلها

أضيفي شرائح البصل و قلبيها مع الكفته حتى يصبح لون البصل ذهبي
. - ذوّبي معجون البندوره مع الماء و أضيفيه الى اللحم والبصل. - تضاف التوابل نفسها اللتي استعملتيها مع اللحم (البهار ، والملح والفلفل الاسود حسب الذوق) ، اغلي في البدايه على حراره عاليه ثم خفّضي الحراره و الغي ببطء لمدة لا تقل عن نصف ساعة ألى ان ينضج اللحم والصلصة يقدم مع الارز الابيض
A very simple recipe for this delicious dish.
-Half a kilo or 1.5 lbs finely ground lamb or beef.
-1 large onion diced small
-1 bunch of washed and finally chopped parsley
Mix all together to form the Kufta
-2 sliced onions
-12 OZ. can of tomato paste
-Prepare the m
eat, put in a large mixing bowl, add the chopped onions, chopped parsley and the spices (all spice, black pepper and salt to taste). Combine and mix thoroughly with your hands. You may add some garlic if you like, I do not.Place the bowl in the fridge covered with
helps flavors to blend. With your hands, Shape the meat into egg-sized balls of kofta and fry lightly so the meat holds its shape . Do not stir otherwise it will break apart. You may add some oil to the meat if it is too lean to the frying process.
-Add the sliced onions and saute' until it is golden in color.
-Add the tomato paste to the meat and onions. Add water to the sauce.
-Add the same spices you used with the meat (all spice, black pepper and salt to taste), let simmer on the stove top for at least half an hour or until the meat is done and the sauce looks, smells and tastes cooked.
Serve with white rice on the side. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

ملوخيه ورق و مفرومه- Mulukhia- Jute Mellow

الملوخيه من النباتات المورقه الخضراء تكثر في فصل الصيف. هي تؤكل من قبل كافة الطبقات في الشرق الأوسط . تحضّر من الأوراق الطازجه في الصيف أو المثلّجه أوالجافه في الشتاء. الأوراق هي الصالحة للاكل و يتم تنقيتها للطبخ. وعند تنقية الاوراق ،يتم غسلهاعدة مرات للتخلص من الرمال و الأوساخ ، ثم تنشر حتى تجف من المياه قبل ان يتم تقطيعها. ممكن ان تفرم ناعمه أو تترك كورق كامل للطبخ, حسب الوصفه.
ألثوم من أهم المكونات التي تضاف الى الملوخيه, و يعطيها مذاق لذيذ بعد قليه مع الزيت و اضافته الى الملوخيه في آخر مرحله من النضج. بأمكانك اضافة الكزبره الخضراء , تُقلى مع الزيت و الثوم و هذه تُسمى بالتقليه.
في مصر الملوخيه المفرومه شائعه جدا و يضيفون اليها القليل من البندوره لمنع الماده المخاطيه من التكون. و تشتهر مصر بطبخ الملوخيه المفرومه مع الأرانب. و يُقسم المصريين بأن الملوخيه مع الجمبري( الروبيان) من الذ ألأطباق في المطبخ المصري.

السوريين واللبنانيين يطبخون الملوخيه ورق كامل و تسمى بطبق الملوخيه البوراني . الفلسطينيون والأردنيون يطبخون الملوخيه مفرومه ناعم أو ورق كامل.
هناك طريقتان لاعداد الملوخيه:
المفرومه ناعمه :
- تقطّع الملوخيه بسكين منحنيه على شكل نصف دائره ولها يدين خشبيتين من الجانبن. تعمل السكين بطريقة التقطيع بالذهاب و المجيْ مرارا حتى تنعم الأوراق. ولكن يمكنك استخدام سكين حادّه للتقطيع.

المكونات :
كيس من الملوخيه المثلجه المفرومه.
بصله مفرومه ناعم
زيت للتقليب
ثوم مهروس ناعم
الماء أو مرق الدجاج او اللحم المُطيّب بالبهارات
ملح و فلفل أسود
يمكنك هنا اضافة الكزبره الخضراء المفرومه ناعمه و التحريك
اضيفي الماء الساخن او حساء الدجاج او اللحم – حسب الرغبه.
- يضاف الملح والفلفل الأسود
- اغلي الملوخيه لخمس دقائق ثم اطبخيها على نار هادئه لمدة 20 دقيقه. لا تزيدي مدة الغليان فأن ذلك يفقد الملوخيه لونها الأخضر و يحولها الى اللون الداكن.
تأكدي من ازالة الفوره التي تحمل الماده المخاطيه معها.

طريقة الملوخيه البوراني ( الورق)
قلّبي البصل

- يضاف كل من الثوم المفروم و الكزبره الخضراء و تقلّب مع البصل.
-تضاف الثوم الكامل من غير فرم حسب الرغبه
- تضاف اوراق الملوخيه الطازجه او المثلجه

- يضاف الماء او حساء الدجاج أو اللحم

- يضاف الملح والفلفل الأسود

- اغل ببطء15- 20 دقيقة حتى تنضج
- قدميها ساخنه مع الارز الأبيض.
تؤكل الملوخيه ايضل بالتغميس بالخبز العربي و بجانبها الدجاج المسلوق او المحمر.
يمكنك اعداد نوعين من الصلصات التي تقدم مع الملوخيه بجميع انواعها مثل:

عصير الليمون مع الفلفل الاخضر الحار المفروم
بصله صغيره مفرومه ناعم مخلوطه مع الخل الأحمر

Mulukhia is a Jute planet. Its name in English is "Jews mellow".

Mulukhia is a leafy summer vegetable that is extremely popular throughout the Middle East. It is available fresh, dry, and frozen. Only the leaves are edible. When using fresh Mulukhia, pick the leaves, rinse several times, and then spread out to dry before chopping or cooking whole leaves.

The main addition to Mulukhia that gives it its distinguished taste is fried garlic with oil, sometimes with added fresh cilantro, and this is called (Ta'lya).

Egyptians cook it usually chopped. They add little tomatoes to it. They are famous for cooking it with rabbit meat. Egyptians also swear that the best Mulukhia is the one that is cooked with shrimps!

Syrians and Lebanese cook it (Burani) which is whole leaves, un-chopped. Palestinians and Jordanians cook it both ways, chopped or/and Burani.

There are two ways of preparing fresh Mulukhia, chopped or whole leaves.

The Chopped method: -chop it with a special curved knife which has two handles on both sides. Go back and forth with the knife on the leaves until they are finely chopped, but you may use the food processor to chop.


-2 pounds fresh Mulukhia or 2 packets (1/2 kg each) frozen-1 diced onion- Minced fresh garlic-Diced onion. -Cooking oil -Minced garlic -Water or chicken broth. You may use beef or lamb broth too. -Salt and black pepper


-Sauté diced onions in oil

-Add crushed garlic and fry until it gets to be golden color

-Add cilantro and fry with the onions and garlic.

-Add Mulukhia and stir around-Add hot water or chicken broth. Some people use beef or lamb broth.

-Add salt and black pepper

-Boil over and Skim the froth

-Simmer for about 15 minutes, do not over cook it, otherwise it will turn dark green and this is not a desirable color for it.

The Burani method ( Whole Leaves )

-Sauté onions

-Add whole cloves of garlic to your liking, fry a little

-Add minced garlic; fry a little until golden color

-Add Mulukhia leaves. Fry lightly for few minutes

-Add water or broth

-Add Salt and black pepper

-Simmer for 10-15 minutes.

-Serve hot with rice on the side.

Stuffed chicken or baked chicken goes well with this vegetable. It can be eaten with pita bread instead of, or with the rice.

You may prepare two kinds of uncooked sauces that are served with this dish.

1- Squeezed lemons and mix with chopped spicy green peppers

2- Red vinegar mixed with small diced onions

Or you may use just plain squeezed lemons with it.

Watch the video for more details.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Roast Veal And Mashed Potatoes- روست بيف و بطاطا بوريه

Tasty Roast Veal or Beef:
-3 Pound (
about 1.5 KG) fillet of beef prepared by your butcher shop, tied with cooking thread.
- Crushed Garlic
-Chopped Parsley
-Salt, Black Pepper and Allspice
-Sliced Carrots
-Sliced Onions
-Cooking oil
Wash the beef, cut slits ½ inch deep in it. Mix the crushed garlic with the chopped parsley and stuff in the little slits you made in the beef fillet. Fry in hot oil from all sides. This step will keep the meat moist and juicy from the inside. Add sliced onions. Add slices carrots. Add your spices. Add water and let cook for at least 1.5 hours until the liquid is half way evaporated.
Slice the fillet into ¾ inch slices. Put back in the pot to keep it warm. Plate your meat and veggies with the broth and serve hot with mashed potatoes on the side.
Mashed Potatoes
-2 pounds (1 Kilo) potatoes. I cook it with the peel, this gives it a much better taste and appeal-just like fancy restaurants!
-Wash the potatoes, Boil and drain
-1/2 a cup or 2/3 of a cup Hot milk- Sometimes I use powdered milk.
Cut up the potatoes. Mash it. I like it in chunks so I do not mash it really fine. I use a mash potato masher or a big fork to get it the way I like it.
Add hot milk, salt and butter and keep on mashing until you get it the consistency you like.
Serve Hot!!
Simply Delicious!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

ورق عنب و كوسا محشي بزيت الزيتون- يلنجي-Stuffed Grape Leaves and Zucchini With Olive Oil

هذه وصفة سهلة لورق العنب بالزيت.لهذه الوصفه اسماء اخرى مثل أليلنجي أو الدولما.
يستغرق تحضير هذه الوصفه وقتا طويلا كما هو الحال في تحضير الكثير من اطباق المطبخ العربي ولكن هذه الوصفه تستحق كل التعب لأنها من ألذ وصفات المطبخ العربي

المكونات :

-نصف كيلو ورق عنب الطازج, المحفوظ المفرّغ من الهواء, المثلج او ألمكبوس في مرتبان زجاجي.

-10 حبات من الكوسا البلديه, التي يميل لونها الى الاخضر الفاتح.

- 1 ونصف كأس من الارز المصري, ذو الحبه الصغيره المناسب للحشي.

- 1 او 2 بصله متوسطه مقطّعه الى مربعات صغيره.

- 3 حبات بندوره متوسطة الحجم مقطّعه الى مربعات صغيره

-- نصف كأس من البقدونس المفروم الناعم

-- الملح والفلفل الاسود والبهارات حسب الذوق

-- نصف كأس من زيت الزيتون

-- اربعة حبات بطاطا كبيره مقطعه الى شرحات رقيقه ترص في قاع وعاء الطبخ

لطبخ الوصفه تحتاجين ما يلي كي تضيفيه الى القدر بعد ملئها بالورق و الكوسا المحشي.

- ¾ كأس زيت الزيتون

- ¾ كأس عصير الليمون

- 3-4 حبات بندوره مقطّعه.

- ملح و فلفل اسود حسب الذوق.


-- أغسلي الخضراوات المستعمله في الوصفه.للحشوه : أغسلي الرز . صفّيه و اضيفي اليه البندوره والبصل المقطّعين والبقدونس المفروم . اضيفي زيت الزيتون والتوابل و أخلطي جيدا.

-- لفي ورق العنب و أحشيه بحشوة الأرز.

-- أنقري الكوسا و احشيها بحشوة الأرز.

-- ضعي شرائح البطاطا في قاع الإناء ، و أخلطيها جيدا مع زيت الزيتون.

-- ضعي الورق و الكوسا المحشيين في اناء الطبخ.

-- تضاف البندوره فوق ورق العنب و الكوسا . اضيفي التوابل وزيت الزيتون. غطي بصحن لمنع فوران الطبخه.

-- عند الغليان خفضي الحراره واغلي ببطء حوالي الساعتين او الساعتين و نصف ، او حتى تتشرب كل السوائل .

-- عند مضيّ نصف وقت الطبخ, أضيفي عصير الليمون.

-- عندما يتم طهي الطعام ،أقلبي القدر على طبق كبير.

-- البطاطا الموجوده في قاع القدر تكون لذيذة الطعم لأنها متشربه كل طعم الليمون و زيت الزيتون.

-- هذا الطبق يقدّم ساخنا او في درجة حرارة الغرفة ، مع اللبن الروب على الجنب.

This is an easy recipe for stuffed grape leaves. It is time consuming which is the case of most dishes cooked in the Arabic kitchen but worth it. Delicious!
-1 Pound Grape Leaves
-10 pieces of Zucchinis
- 1 ½ cup short grain Rice
- 1 or 2 medium Onions, diced
- 3 medium Tomatoes, diced
- ½ a cup of chopped Parsley
- Salt, Black Pepper and Allspice to taste
- Half a cup of Olive Oil
- four large sliced potatoes for laying in the bottom of the cooking pot
For cooking you need:
- ¾ cup Olive Oil
- ¾ cup lemon juice
- 3-4 diced tomatoes
-Salt to taste
- Wash all your vegetables. Make the stuffing by adding the washed rice, diced tomatoes, onions and chopped parsley, season, add olive oil and mix well.
- Roll up your grape leaves with the stuffing and set aside.
- Hollow your zucchinis and stuff with the rice stuffing.
- Lay the sliced potatoes in the bottom of your pot, season and mix well with olive oil.
- Arrange your zucchinis and grape leaves inside the pot.
- Add the diced tomatoes on top, add salt and olive oil. Cover with a plate to prevent boiling over.
- when it boils, lower the heat and simmer on low for about two hours, or until all the liquid is absorbed.
- Half way through the cooking, add the lemon juice to it.
- When cooking is done, invert into a platter and arrange nicely.
- Make sure you plate the potatoes that are in the bottom, they are so succulent and full of lemon flavor. Plain delicious!!
- You may serve this dish hot or at room temperature with plain yogurt on the side or extra lemon juice.

Yalanji - Stuffed Grape Leaves on Foodista

Friday, October 26, 2007

Chicken Fatteh - فتة دجاج


1 large Arabic pita bread
1 whole chicken cut up into four pieces. You may use only breast meat.
1 small onion or 100g cut cubes. You may add some MAGGI cubes if you like.
1 tablespoon cardamom
1 cup cooked white rice. preferably Egyptian rice.
For the yogurt sauce:
2 cups yogurt-You may use low fat yogurt.
4 minced garlic cloves
Optional for garnish:
toasted pine seeds, and/or almonds
1 tablespoon parsley


Toast the Arabic bread, cut into small pieces, toasted. place in a large serving deep dish.
Seal chicken with little oil from all sides. Add water, bring to boil and skim froth as it appears, add onion, salt and cardamom. Cook for 50 minutes, or until chicken is falling off of the bones.
Remove meat pieces from bones and set aside. Reserve the chicken stock.
To arrange the dish:

Add lemon juice and minced garlic to the bread. Pour some of the chicken stock over the toasted bread. Spoon the rice over the bread, if needed, add more broth. combine all ingredients for the yogurt and pour over the rice, then place the chicken meat pieces over the yogurt.
Garnish with toasted nuts and sprinkle parsley over. Serve immediately.

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 257 g
Amount Per Serving
Calories    456
Calories from Fat    126
% Daily Value*
Total Fat    13.9g = 21%
Saturated Fat    3.5g = 18%
Cholesterol    106mg = 35%
Sodium    211mg = 9%
Total Carbohydrates        39.2g = 13%
Dietary Fiber        1.4g = 5%
Sugars    6.6g
Protein    41.4g
Vitamin A 3%
Vitamin C 5%
Calcium 20%
Iron 20%
Nutrition Grade B+
* Based on a 2000 calorie diet

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Stuffed Chicken - دجاج محشي

This is an updated video for the stuffed chicken recipe. hope you enjoy it.

One of the meals that I enjoy cooking is stuffed chicken. It sounds like a complicated meal to prepare and cook but it is very easy.
All you need is whole chicken/s, short grain rice, ground beef, chopped onions, spices and a big pan for baking. I never measure things up at all, I just do it by eying the ingredients...does this mean that i am a good cook?? maybe, but I feel that I am average in cooking, I perfect some meals and others I do not bother cooking at all...I like easy and fast recipes that are satisfying and low in fat..I usually modify any recipe to lower fatty ingredients and healthier ingredients.
After I took out my two chickens out of the oven , I have to admit that they look great sitting in that baking pan! I also made white rice and tomato stew with garlic and cilantro, of course green salad is a must on the dinner table.
Method to prepare the stuffed chicken meal: Wash the chickens, pat dry , rub the chicken, inside out with olive oil and lemon juice mix to make it smell nice and fresh. Also rub the chicken with the same mix of spices that will be added to the ground beef and rice mix. You can use any stuffing variations you like, such as plain vegetables with or without rice, wheat, spiced up rice, no meat or whatever you feel like. there is no set ingredients, you can use creativity and come up with something new and delicious. Saute' the ground beef with small chopped onions, add spices, black pepper, all spice, cardamom and salt to taste. Wash the rice, soak for about 15 minutes in warm water, drain from the water and add to the meat when it is done cooking. You may add a little bit of cooking oil at this point so the rice does not become sticky . cook the rice half way, remember, it is going to continue cooking once its inside the chicken and baking. Stuff the chicken with the cooled rice and beef mix, wrap the chickens with aluminum foil really well, put in the baking pan and cook in the oven for about 2.5-3 hours on 450 degrees F. depending on the number of your chickens and their size . Unwrap your master piece...ENJOY!!

 دجاجتين كاملتين
رز مصري ، كوب
 نصف اوقية لحم مفروم
 حبتين بصل مفروم ناعم
 والتوابل و هي عباره عن ملح، فلفل اسود ، الهال، (حب هان) و بهار
طريقة لتحضير وجبة الدجاج المحشو : يغسل الدجاج بالماء و تجفف بورق المطبخ
 يتم فرك الدجاج ، الداخل الى الخارج مع زيت الزيتون والليمون 
يتم فرك الدجاج  بالخليط نفسه من التوابل التي ستضاف إلى اللحم المفروم و مزيج الأرز و هي التوابل في الوصفه . 
يتم تقليب اللحم المفروم مع البصل المفروم ، و يتم اضافة التوابل 
 يغسل الأرز و ينقع في ماء دافئ ل حوالي ١٥ دقيقة ، ثم يصفى من الماء ، ويضاف إلى اللحم  . يمكنك إضافة 
القليل من زيت الطهي في هذه المرحلة . يتم طهي الأرز نصف استواء ،لإنه سوف يستكمل الطهي في داخل الدجاج  
يحشى الدجاج بالارز ، اللحم المفروم 
يتم لف الدجاج بورق الألمنيوم جيدا و يوضع في الفرن  لمدة حوالي ١.٥-٢  ساعه على حرارة ٤٥٠ درجة فهرنهايت

Friday, March 9, 2007

Kusa Ma7shi- Stuffed Zucchini - كوسا محشي

كميه تكفي ل 4 أشخاص
12 حبة كوسا متوسطة الحجم (1 كيلو)-

1 كوب رز مصري للحشي-

بصله متوسطه الحجم مقطعه-

نصف ضمة بقدونس مقطعه ناعم-
اربع ملاعق كبيره زيت طبخ-
ملح, فلفل أسود و بهار-
لصلصة البندوره:
علبة كبيره معجون البندوره , تخلط مع الماء حتى تصبح كافيه لتغطية الكوسا

أنقري ألكوسا و فرّعيه من اللب, أغسليه و صفيه.
أغسلي الرز و اخلطيه مع الزيت, البصل والبقدونس و الملح و البهارات.
أحشي حبات الكوسا بخلطة الرز. أتركي فراغ في الكوسا للسماح للرز بالتضاعف في الحجم.

ضعي الكوسا في القدر و اضيفي صلصة البندوره اليه.
غطي القدرو اغليه على نار عاليه ثم على نار متوسطه حتى ينضج الكوسا و الرز لمدة 45-55 دقيقه.
أرفعي الكوسا في صحن التقديم.
اسكبي المرقه في صحن غميق.

قدميه ساخنا و صحتين و عافيه

This is a vegetarian recipe, but you might add to the stuffing about half or less of ground beef or lamb, whatever suits your taste.
Stuffed Zucchinis or Stuffed Squash. Kusa Ma7shi:

One Dozen Zucchinis (or as much as you need to cook, make sure to modify the other ingredients too according to amounts)

One Cup uncooked short grain Rice (Egyptian rice) wash and drain.
Couple of diced tomatoes
One large chopped Onions

Finely chopped parsley
Cooking oil
Allspice , salt and pepper to taste

One large can of tomato paste, 16 ounces, diluted with enough water to cover the zucchinis, add salt and pepper to taste.
1.Core zucchini to make shells about 1/4-inch thick; be careful not to pierce. Rinse in cold water and drain.

2. In large bowl, mix rice, diced tomatoes, chopped onions, parsley, oil, allspice, salt and pepper.
3. Stuff zucchinis, leaving about 1 inch at top for rice to expand.

4. Place zucchinis in a deep pot, try placing them with open ends up.
5. Add diluted tomato paste, make sure the zucchinis are covered with the sauce.
6. Cover pot tightly and bring to a boil.
7. Simmer on medium heat until rice is done, for about 45 to 55 minutes.
8. Gently remove zucchini to a platter. Put the sauce in a bowl and serve together hot or at room temperature.
This meal is a favorite for young and old. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Crustless Apple Pie - فطيرة تفاح

وصفة فطيرة التفاح
فطيرة ألتفاح ألكلاسيكيه وصفه ليست بالسهله, لكن هذه ألوصفه ليست معقده لأنها لا تحتوي على عجينه سفليه مما يجعل محتوى الدسم فيها أقل من ألوصفه ألكلاسيكيه و يختصر خطوات تحضيرها الى النصف تقريبا.

١٢ تفاحه, مقشرّه و مقطّعه شرائح متوسطة السماكه. أنا استعمل أي نوع تفاح موجود في السوق و أخلط ألأحمر مع ألأخضر.

نصف كوب سكر أبيض.

2 ملعقه صغيره قرفه.

2 ملعقه كبيره عصير ليمون .

واحد و نصف كوب سكر بني, يقسم الى نصفين.

كوب واحد طحين.

مقدار كوب زبده مقطّعه مكعبات

قشّري التفاح و قطّعيه ألى شرائح و أخلطيه مع عصير ألليمون, نصف كوب السكر ألأبيض و القرفه. ضعيه في صينية ألخبز. وزّعي الزبده 

ألمقطّعه فوق التفاح.
أخبزيها في فرن حرارته 200 درجه مئويه لمدة ساعه الى ساعه و ربع أو لحين يتشرب السائل من ألتفاح .
عند مرور نصف ساعه على ألوقت في ألفرن, أخلطي القرفه و السكر ألبني و الطحين. و أفركيه بأصابعك حتى يشابه فتات ألبسكوت.
رشّي ألخليط فوق ألتفاح المطبوخ مع ألحرص على تغطية ألتفاح بالكامل
أعيدي الصينيه ألى الفرن و اكملي عملية الخبز. حتى يصبح وجه الصينيه مائل الى اللون الذهبي.
قدميها دافئه مع آيس كريم ألفانيلا.

This is a very easy recipe for Apple Pie..this one does not have crust which makes it light!! not too light but in a way lighter than the original recipe with crust on the bottom and top.This pie is very popular in my is about the only dessert I make because it is easy and delicious!

12 apples,  any kind apples sliced thinly, sometimes I use red and green apples together. 
1/2 cup Sugar. 
2 teaspoon of cinnamon. 
2 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice. 
1.5 Cups brown sugar,divided, you may use regular sugar if you do not have any brown sugar. 

1 Cup all purpose flour. 1Cup (2 sticks) Butter.
-Peel apples and cut into paper thin slices. Mix with the spices, sugar and
lemon juice -Pack as firmly as possible in 10" non stick pan -Combine brown sugar and flour, add cinnamon to the mix-Add cool butter cubes and cut until mixture resembles crumbs - Sprinkle mixture over apples and press firmly- especially at the edges to retain juice.- Bake in preheated, 350º F oven, 1-1/4 hour or until apples are tender and the top is golden brown...mine burned a little bit on the top but it was still delicious!
Serve with vanilla ice cream.
• Cover bottom of oven with foil for drips.