Friday, November 19, 2010 eCookbook- كتاب طبخ

This is the new Thanksgiving e-book that is published on I am very pleased that My stuffed Turkey recipe made it to this book. Thanks to staff for choosing my recipe to be among other great and delicious recipes.
You can download this book and print it out for you to keep or gift to your family and friends.

Enjoy and have a great Thanksgiving with your families and loved ones.
Here is the video recipe:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Roasted Vegetables- خضار مشويه بالفرن

For this recipe, all you have to do is choose your favorite vegetables or seasonal vegetables, wash and cut and place in a baking pan, mix with some oil, salt and black pepper then bake in a 450 degrees Fahrenheit oven until tender and the vegetables have a nice color, around 45-55 minutes. Serve hot or at room temperature as a side dish next to any meat , fish or poultry dish or by itself with rice or pasta on the side. You may add ginger or any other type of your favorite spices to make it your own recipe.

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لهذه الوصفة ، كل ما عليكم القيام به هو اختيار الخضراوات المفضلة لديكم او الخضار الموسميه ، تغسل وتقطع وتوضع في صينيه  للخبز ، و يتم خلط الخضار بقليل من الزيت , الملح والفلفل الأسود ويخبز في الفرن على ٤٥٠ درجة فهرنهايت حتى ينضج والخضار تكتسب لونا جميل, حوالي ٤٥-٥٥ دقيقه . يقدم الطبق بجوار اطباق اللحم أو الدجاج أو كطبق رئيسي مع الرز. بآمكانكم اضافه الزنجبيل او اي اختياراتكم المفضله من البهارات